You all know I love a good writing contest! I was so excited when the #FallWritingFrenzy photo inspiration got posted. I immediately felt connected to the adorable Super-Pup and knew he would be the star of my story. Super-Pup reminds me of our family dog, Derby, who passed away earlier this year. We loved dressing Derby up in ridiculous costumes at Halloween. Derby - this one is for you!
Credit: Unsplash via Kerwinelias
by Katie Brandyberry
I dread October thirty-first.
Halloween’s the very worst.
I dread my family’s hectic day.
Too busy to walk or play.
I dread the monsters, mummies, ghosts.
But what I dread the very most?
This silly costume. Super-Pup?
My humans can’t stop cracking up.
I tuck my tail. Accept my fate.
Will this day end? I cannot wait.
Darkness falls. Werewolves arrive.
That Frankenstein sure looks alive.
Vampires straight from the grave?
Super-Pup’s not very brave.
I run inside and tuck my tail.
Then I hear a tiny wail.
I know that noise. My ears perk up.
Sounds like a case for…
Near the table, down below,
I find the cutest Witch I know.
Turns out Witches get scared too.
Super-Pup knows what to do.
I cuddle close and lick her face.
She snuggles in a tight embrace.
She rubs my belly. Scratches ears.
Tells me what I love to hear.
“Who’s a good boy?” “I love you.”
“I’m glad this dreaded day is through.”
I understand just what she means.
(I also dreaded Halloween.)
But snuggled tight with my best friend,
I wish this day would never end.
I’ve changed my mind, I must confess.
Halloween’s the very best.
So, so cute! Love the sweet ending.